Doris Laner
Doris Laner
Studio Info
Website: dorislanerart.ca
Email: doris@dorislanerart.ca
Doris Laner
Doris Laner grew up Vancouver, yet always knew that city life would not suit her for long. Raised in a supportive family, she developed her skills and talents from an early age. After studying Art Education at U.B.C., she furthered her artistic experience by attending the Vancouver School of Art. In 1979 she moved to Clearwater B.C., fulfilling her dream of living in a rural community.
Doris has worked continuously to develop her techniques and style. She also has had a wide range of subjects and mediums over the years. Portraiture, still-life, landscape, even several years of exploring ‘Western Art’ have all been inspiring to her. The western themes came quite naturally as Doris has been involved with horses and riding all her life. In 1985 she won ‘Best of Show’ at the Calgary Stampede Art Show.
The most recent subjects of her work revolve around the wilderness of Wells Gray Park where she lives. Here, Doris has immersed herself in the surroundings of this special place. Through her work she hopes to invite contemplation through a reverent and humble approach to her subjects.
Doris has been an active volunteer for the North Thompson Arts Council and has always encouraged all to participate and share in any creative endeavour.
Special projects include 6 murals and the illustration of 2 children’s books. Doris has also had several solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group shows. Recently, she was chosen to design and paint two murals for the B.C. Children’s Hospital in Vancouver.
Featured Artwork
The Grotto by Doris Laner
The Grotto
Watercolour, 30 x 21″
Stillness by Doris Laner
Oil on Canvas, 24 x 30″
The Green Canoe by Doris Laner
The Green Canoe
Oil on Canvas 24 x 30″
“Cafe Raymond” Vienna, 2019 by Doris Laner
“Cafe Raimund” Vienna 2019
Original Watercolour, 23 x 21″
“Social Distance” by Doris Laner
Social Distance
Watercolour on Paper
Untitled by Doris Laner
Oil on Canvas 36 x 48″