Annette Verge
Annette Verge
Painter, Sculptor, Potter
Annette Verge
My husband and I recently moved back to Clearwater from Fernie BC after 40 years. Clearwater has always had everything we need to retire ,enjoy the outdoors and paint!! I was a member of the Fernie Art Council for a number of years, participating in many classes and exhibitions.
Sketching, watercolour and acrylic are my main go to’s but I’ve tried other arts such as pottery and scuplting.
The most influential class I took was a three week study in watercolor with Linda Cameron from Vancouver. Now as a member of the NTAC I wish to share in the joy of all the amazing artists we have in our community.
I hope you enjoy my mix of watercolors and acylics landscapes.
Featured Artwork
Painting by Annette Verge
Painting by Annette Verge
Landscape Painting by Annette Verge
Painting by Annette Verge